Hello again, it's been a while and i'd like to say that this last month I have been working night and day on the post you are about to witness, slaving over a laptop and typing until i 4get how 2 use proper englsh. However, dear friends, I have been enjoying a summer holiday away from AS levels and didn't... really... think to write... a ... blog. I'm sorry :'(.
So, I bring to you dear readers, my opinion concerning the recent news that a new 3D Layton vs Ace Attorney game is being developed as you read this very sentence. I thought this would be an apt opportunity to talk about dear old Layton, and Phoenix Wright (if he is the protagonist, they do like to change around a bit). I think that Layton would be one of my favourite characters in any video game ever produced. There's something organic about the presentation of the mild mannered Englishman that is rarely seen in video games, and is certainly one of the main USP's of the game. I haven't really played Ace Attorney, but the whole meeting of two games, as similar as they are in content, just doesn't sit right. I'd much rather become engrossed in the plotline of a typical Layton game, for example Curious Village, than have an Ace Attorney, Layton spin off in my 3DS. Since i first stumbled across the cross-over game, the concept has seemed alien and just plain wrong. I feel like a desperate mother watching her prodigal son Layton being led away by an older dodgy looking Phoenix Wright. It seems like the Ace Attorney series has tried to up it's own sales by affiliating itself with the humble but brilliant Professor Layton series. Then again, the other games have sold so they must be doing something right - but it's the principle of the thing...
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