Thursday, 14 November 2013

eShop Splurge: Jett Rocket 2: The Wrath of Takai

When I visited eShop yesterday in the hopes of finding something entertaining I didn't know I was embarking on a voyage of procrastination and general life destruction. Having not heard of the Jett Rocket series before I was curious to download Jett Rocket 2 after watching some videos and reading a promising description. Nintendo eShop definitely delivered on this one though, and despite some minor gameplay glitches it's easily one of my best purchases.

The game itself is comfortably light-hearted, though I have a feeling the storyline would be more emersive with the knowledge of the previous title. The player completes stages up towers of many levels to collect little robotic orbs which I assume have something to do with saving the world in this addictive, sometimes tense little platformer. Though the minigames on every other level leave a lot to be desired, they are a great little incentive for the obsessive hoarding of collectables in the main story mode.
Visually the game is surprisingly tactile - the look and feel of the game suggests a more developed Crash Bandicoot in terms of style and immature brightness. However what really gets me about this game is the simplicity of facing the many challenges that different elements of the gameplay combine to achieve. There is a very real sense of accomplishment at finally working out how to proceed in a level without being mercilessly destroyed by small balls of red or a gang of robots and it's a perfect time killer with the length of each level sitting in a perfect medium between being full of content and yet being completable.

A couple of glitches - for example I have had one experience of the game crashing at a Game Over screen which didn't incur any significant damage to my life as it was, unfortunately, game over. Some minor playback issues like the character seeming to stay fixed in mid air to grab onto an item when he shouldn't really make the jump but apart from these little infractions from perfection, the game is a must-download.

Follow me on Twitter: @MusingsTwit

Monday, 11 November 2013

eShop Splurge: Heavy Fire Special Operations 3D

Despite the gut-wrenchingly corny opening audio (a deep American testosterone junkie telling you to 'lock and load') this game was a bit of a risk paid off well for me. I was nervous about downloading the game partly because it looked too fast paced to not be incredibly frustrating and partly because the graphics didn't look top notch. The graphics look better in game but still aren't all that promising. Other aspects of the game shine through though - the feel of the action is incredibly exhilarating. What looked from the trailers to be a  fast paced, adrenaline pumping game play is delivered in real life but with controls that make the intensity enjoyable. Admittedly it took me a few hits to realise that the touch screen is used for aiming and the R and L shoulder buttons for shooting, but once you get the hang of it it's unforgettably addictive. This game-play is handily designed for both right and left hand users, with the choice of either the R or L buttons for shooting and the B or 'downwards' action on the analogue-type-contraction for reloading. Different levels and upgrades and repairs of weapons make the game more versatile and dynamic in its development through the many hours of jaw clenching as you begin to fear the red exclamation point. Yes, certain points of the game are harder than others and these have put me off for a while but practice and patience have never been more necessary to fulfil a level's requirements and I kind of like that - it makes me feel productive in my procrastination.

I say all this when really the game is a marked up version of its uglier, less developed predecessors and most of its praise lies in the welcome relief from these heavy, unwieldy games. The concept is still fairly arbitrary and the fact that its only foundation is 'shoot everyone you see (apart from your own American men)' needs to be taken with a large dose of salt.

Simple things like being able to return to your game where you actually left off seem to have come to the minds of Teyon rather late in the day but nevertheless it's definitely a game worth its merit.

After a brief discount in eShop, Heavy Fire Special Operations 3D is back up to £5.49 in the UK and though I perhaps think it would have been better to grab it on the discount, if you really have some time to kill and a spare fiver it's worth a download.

Follow me on Twitter: @MusingsTwit

Wednesday, 16 October 2013

eShop Splurge: 3D Game Collection

To begin the series of eShop reviews I feel I might start with a game I can imagine doesn't get much of a look in. I've always been dubious of game collections of eShop, I always got the impression they're not likely to be very good - in the range of their games as well as their quality so I was pleasantly surprised when I took a leap and downloaded a discounted "3D Game Collection" for £2. 

Although this was a fear of mine, I wasn't too disheartened to find that many of the games are repeated on the three "home" locations. This was probably due to the fact that there are just so many games on there that I could play for hours. Classic games like Ludo, Battleships, Bingo, Chinese Draughts, Proper Draughts are included as well as surprisingly entertaining Dominoes and Solitaire. It's not exactly mind-blowing stuff but it's great for a 5 minute play. 

Originally selling on cardridge at about £25
now it's in eShop for just £2 
Obviously, the nature of the game means that the actual controls themselves aren't going to be too ambitious. It's a simple touch screen job with the viewing of the action happening on the 3D screen above. That's not to say however that the gameplay is poor - in contrast it feels very tactile and satisfying. The only problem I came across was my own frustration at certain games willing me to lose, impossible dice rolls and just a few too many dubious wins for your AI opponent may leave you grinding your teeth for a while.

Again, storyline isn't going to be a main concern of the developers, and it shouldn't be with a collection of small games. The game tracks your tactics and skills in gamplay and adapts its AI opponent to meet those skills, playing a predictable opponent would be pretty dire, the fun would be sucked from the game as it becomes monotonous and boring. However the fact that the computer reacts so quickly to your tactics means it's very difficult to get higher trophies after playing the game a substancial amount of time. I suppose this is just the developers' way of "practice makes perfect". 

I was actually impressed with the clarity of the graphics of this game, they're by no means medal worthy but their simplicity definitely brings the phrase 'less is more' to mind. The scenic landscape of your river-side picnic or the view from your satellite as you look out to space, all three locations are designed to create a light-hearted tone for a light-hearted set of games and pleases the eye, even when just strolling across the picture waiting for your turn. 

It's very difficult to play Ludo on your own -
no need to try anymore!
I didn't think i'd be commenting much on the use of music in a game collection review, and yet I find myself enamoured with it. It is possibly only one location that has set this ideal in my head, and that is the picnic scene. Relaxing and warming, it's sometimes just enough to climb under the covers and plug the headphones in to the soundtrack just to unwind.

The Result 
A brilliant game for a brilliant price at the moment in eShop. Graphics and music that fit perfectly with the unambitious set up of the games and an interesting and diverse range (though they are repeated throughout different locations). Only problems faced are those of difficulty and it's a shame there isn't a setting for this which would really enhance the gameplay when you're not really up for getting thrashed on each game you try.


Saturday, 21 September 2013

2DS: Questions Answered 21 Days Before Release

Ninty's released word of the 2DS. I know, I had to double take too. It soon dawned on me though that this is in fact a smart move on Nintendo's part. A realistically affordable slight downgrade to keep consumers up to date with new releases in a way that displays Nintendo's developing ability while keeping us lot in the know. The 2DS is set to hit shops just in time for the early Christmas market on 12th October, and its press releases have left me with a few questions. 

Size Matters. 
We all know that size matters, really. So when images were first released of the 2DS i was left reeling confused by the actual size of the device. However, after reading up on the subject it seems that the console fits nicely in the hand (as nice as a brick could fit), the synthetic touch of the surface making for light, easy gripping ability. However, perhaps the top screen isn't all it could be, seems a bit constricting which could make for more vibrant gameplay but i think might just get on my nerves. 

3D Games 2D Screen 
The console is designed to allow more people to play games designed for the prestigious 3D system. So, how will 3D games play on a 2D screen? Will it be the same as simply adjusting the 3D function on the 3DS system itself or will there be some kind of drawback in this department? I heard that inside, the 2DS is identical to its 3D cousin so will that make for better gameplay, or is the screen different? I'm afraid this is one section of questions that we'll have to wait until October for. 
Design Issues 
For me, I feel that the brick-like appearance of the handheld will not do Nintendo any favours. It looks like a child's toy replica of a 3DS bought for a destructive 2 year old to salivate over and crayola up. Controls are high up on the system which apparently helps the gameplay side of things but would just irritate me. I feel like it would be too... tall? For optimal gameplay? You need both your hands to hold it up comfortable so how are you going to (comfortably) touch screen? 

To be honest, if i had no 3DS I would probably save up that extra couple of pounds and buy a second hand 3DS. The 3D effect is what sold the console to me in the first place and I feel like the design of the 2DS would be too restricting and downright infuriating. But that's before i've even laid eyes on it in person, before i've even seen it in a shop so who knows, maybe Nintendo will prove me wrong. 

Final Verdict: A great move for Nintendo, including everyone in their new software introductions but maybe it's a little late now seeing as the 3DS has been out 2 years now. In terms of design though, i'm yet to be convinced. 

Follow me on Twitter: @MusingsTwit 

Monday, 16 September 2013

I'd Like to Thank My Mother... My Father... My Agents.......

Way back in the depths of August I stumbled upon a new icon in my 3DS eShop screen. Unbeknownst to me this was not a new icon but in fact a remastering of an old favorite - Nintendo Unleashed had hit our 3D screens, and what better way to celebrate this but with a competition. The Animal Crossing Unleashed competition caught my attention immediately, throw together a funny, quirky little piece of clothing in the game and send them a photo to be in with the chance of winning a neat little Animal Crossing 3DS XL. Why not?

Skip ahead now to a lonely September afternoon when my 3DS was lifted from its charging dock and eShop was opened - 'just out of curiosity' I told myself. The tension was building as the same bright, happy young voice erupted from my system telling me of all these fabulous games that I had very little time to think about. Then came the competition section. An introduction to the competition itself. A word about a retro Mario shirt. A word about an eShop shirt. Then. Finally. I saw it. My little picture was being displayed before me, my little 'Drop Apples Not Bombs' green dress was up on the big screen (well it's bigger than a DS lite screen?) for all to see and with it was my brand new Animal Crossing 3DS XL.

So obviously this post is a big thank you to Official Nintendo Magazine who sent the prize quickly and even put up with my constant hounding when I first realised i'd won.

Follow me on Twitter: @MusingsTwit

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Plants Vs. Zombies 2 - I have never spent so much time gardening

After I completed Plants Vs Zombies on ios all those months ago I felt the same deflated feeling that one would imagine pre-warns death. Like you've done everything you can and you just have to let go. But then my soul was resurrected when I heard news of Plants Vs Zombies 2 finally hitting the app store. It was a glorious day when I could hit that 'install' button on my iPod and hold in my hands a new lease of life for free. I was not disappointed. The game begins with a few instructions and tips concerning the new content - the power ups for example and the new plants that take seconds to master, before taking you on a whirlwind journey with Crazy Pete through Ancient Egypt and Pirate lands all in clear, bright graphics with colours and visuals that supersede the previous.

So, what's new?
- There are loads of new plants to play around with and choose from as well as the old favourites that just get the job done.
By far my favourite - I think he's
just misunderstood 
- A more challenging interface forces you to return to previous levels and complete individual missions to gain stars in order to continue the game. I argue that this feature is possibly one of the best of the game - giving you hours of interesting, unique gameplay which is often unheard of in a free download.
- Crazy Pete isn't exactly new but he's crazier in my opinion - and we all know the crazier Pete is the better the experience
- New zombies which you will learn to fear and counteract with only specific plants making gameplay a lot more versatile
- Plant food is now available to boost up your plants for a short amount of time. This has proved to be very handy in situations where there seem to be no way out until you notice, out of the corner of your panicked eye, a green glowing zombie's head roll across the board. You dive for the plant food that's now bouncing around the screen, taking a few jabs to actually catch the bugger until you have it in your arsenal and you can turn what was once a lowly little plant into a zombie thrashing machine and save the day. Needless to say, it has saved my lawnmowers many a game.
- Power ups have been introduced and are used when even the plant food can't save you. There's a bucket head zombie attacking your last sunflower on the left hand side and you can't lose any lawnmowers to get the star you've been working for hours for. What do you do? Obviously you just pick him up and flick him away. Simples. Why were you even panicking? Unless you have no coins. Then you're f**ked.

What's everyone else saying? 
Reactions are pretty similar to mine. We all love the new game and have probably lost days worth of work productivity to its addictive tower defense system. Some are arguing that the in-game costs have put them off a bit but as far as my knowledge goes the only costs you encounter are to purchase more coins or plant food and that's not necessary to the game, in fact it kind of ruins it a bit - like cheating. To be honest, they could have easily brought this game out at a £2.99 charge and still incur in-game costs so to download it free and receive hours of gameplay for nothing sounds pretty legit to me.

Overall, I love the game. It's new interface allows for more player control in terms of which levels you complete when and the star / key incentive to go back and repeat levels with unique goals each time will be bringing me back to the game for months, i can already tell. If your ios is up to it, it's a definite must-have.

Follow me on Twitter: @MusingsTwit

Friday, 23 August 2013

Desperate Times for Wii U as Sales Plummet

For me, the Wii U is a strange being. I neither really desperately need it in my life nor can i firmly decide that i shouldn't buy one. The reviews aren't great. The entire Wii brand in general hasn't received much critical success, being overshadowed by its younger and flashier predecessors, the Wii is like the chubby kid in the playground with his finger stuck up his nose - cute for all of 5 minutes but then boring and kind of sticky. I have always been a heavily, slightly creepily, loyal fan of Nintendo but there comes a point in every fandom when you realise that your long esteemed heroes are, in fact, not super-human. They have weaknesses and they make mistakes. Bringing the Wii U out as a separate console was a mistake.

So, as Wii U prices plummet and Asda gives up trying to stock it all let's take a look at why the most recent offspring of the Nintendo world perhaps isn't living up to its parents' expectations. The Wii U has failed because of the 3 areas it would have to succeed in to be any kind of contender in today's rapidly evolving technology market.

The console hardware itself is not up to scratch. The single touch controls are practically prehistoric when compared with Apple's daily dual touch releases and this gives the whole gaming experience a fairly heavy, clunky feeling which is reflected in the actual feel of the console and its slow, small internal hardrive. There's a camera on the front of the handheld though... great. We can take a low quality photo of ourselves using this instead of the HD high resolution camera that all devices come loaded with now, double chins an' all.

The Wii U was a marketing flop. Strangely constructed adverts and a bizarrely quiet run up to its release left consumers baffled over what the actual piece of plastic was. It took real research to find out about this console before its release, research which casual gamers wouldn't have bothered to complete and more importantly shouldn't have bothered to complete in this day and age when information is at its most available. Many consumers ended up believing that the handheld was just an add-on for the existing Wii that every family had in their home. It's no surprise then, that its sales have been abysmally low, superseded by the PS Vita within months.

3rd Party Support
No-one can do it on their own, which is why Nintendo's lack of 3rd party support is the final nail in the heavy coffin of the Wii U. It began with the ludicrous lack of new content available, Nintendo re-released ports from PS3 and X-box during the Wii U's release. Sales suffer from Nintendo's inability to attract and maintain 3rd party content and both developer and consumer are stuck in a spiral of publishers and sales figures. The Wii U isn't selling because there isn't enough 3rd party content, yet in a Catch 22 situation, 3rd party publishers are worried about these sales figures and therefore not bothering to develop for the dying console. You would think then, that Nintendo would happily accept the faith of a developer however small in bringing the Wii U back from the dead but no, they turned their backs on Japanese indie developers... interesting move Nintendo... interesting move...

It's sorely disappointing that Nintendo couldn't pull it out the bag for the Wii U. Miyamoto complains that there wasn't enough hardware development time which hindered the development of content as well which would suggest reason behind the Wii U's continuing failure. Whatever the cause, the console just isn't flashy enough to survive in the evolving digital technology market and will always be the little chubby kid in the playground. Hopefully that chubby kid will grow up to be respected for his chubbiness, in the same way the Wii U may just be valued for its simplicity and virtual console capabilities but who knows.

Sunday, 11 August 2013


I was verrry happy to pick up my copy of Animal Crossing recently and even happier to finally start controlling a whole town, full of fuzzy little creatures. Now, forgive me, but i was a total Animal Crossing virgin before I picked up a copy of the game in HMV last weekend and had to wait a whoooole day to play it because apparently it wasn't socially appropriate at a sleepover... dafuuuuuuqqqq?? ;) Anyway, my night owl town 'Oblivion' is underway, with developments coming from everywhaar. My favourite hobby is probably catching bugs, it's the satisfying feeling of hitting your net against that tree trunk and trapping a poor little Brown Cicada in a wiry dome of fate <--- bit weird there. Fishing is perhaps a second favourite, though the anger at reeling in too quickly and scaring the fish away has literally almost caused my 3DS console to be snapped in half on a number of occasions.

I was always a bit wary of the Animal Crossing series because on paper it seems slightly boring. It's just a little mundane life, but who knew mundane life could be so interesting when it's shared with fuzzy animals and museums and gardening shops. I can see the potential now for a deceivingly large game, as everyone has already pointed out. It feels like it can give so much more, and the brilliant thing is it also feels like it WILL give so much more, you just have to be patient.

So basically, i've retired from zombie hunting and racing chubby italian plumbers round a track and have sought solitude in the grandly tiny world of Animal Crossing.

Thursday, 25 July 2013

The Retro Revolution - How the Clock's Turning Back for Gaming

So, Russia have returned to the old faithful typewriter for their official documents, a strange decision that was supposedly spawned out of the increasing complexities of computer systems making valuable information vulnerable. But this blog doesn't document the life and times of the Russians, this is a video games blog so why is this useless piece of information here? Well dear cynical reader, it is because this event could act as a weirdly global metaphor for the return to retro that we can see happening in the gaming world.

While we all love our systems from the 90's, we all also love the crisply vibrant artwork that accompanies modern gaming. So what happens when these two ideals slowly merge into one another, we might just find out in the future of gaming.

New indie game releases are all highly reminiscent of early Nintendo - games like Fez use simplistic ideas and nostalgic controls in a modernised development suggesting that these game designers who are free to develop as they please look to using more simplistic visuals which in turn relate to these older games. These visual similarities between games created decades ago and newer releases are becoming more and more noticeable. Games like Hotline Miami are returning to simplistic visuals perhaps to recreate the importance of player imagination in gameplay. Finally, Wii virtual console sales are still higher than its Wii Ware sales and recently the Wii U virtual console has seen a large increase in sales. These methods of bringing retro gaming into the living rooms of millions of gamers across the world have obviously made Nintendo very happy bunnies, but the importance of the virtual console is much more than that. It has paved the way for this 'Retro Revolution' by making older games more accessible and more importantly, more recognisable. It's developed consumers' tastes and paved the way for preferences to games that reflect these older titles.

Is this return to retro gaming a positive step for the gaming industry though? Newcomers have the opportunity to enjoy where it all came from and in the same instant appreciate the development of modern gaming. This return to simplicity means that consumers will no longer take the high quality of gaming we have readily available for granted. Other industries hide their outdated models, whereas the gaming industry celebrates its evolution from slow, blocky button punching to linear, jaw dropping entertainment. There are also more controversial pros of the retro revolution - the idea that these older games were just plain better. I don't necessarily agree with this though - 'better' is not the same as 'different'. However, the gaming industry at the moment would do well to incorporate the high level of uniqueness displayed in these retro video games in their modern developments which are beginning to become fairly samey and bleh. However, while all this is good and well, does doing something first necessarily make it better? Just because the beginnings of Nintendo are displayed through this catalogue of titles doesn't mean that they are necessarily better than modern titles and this evolution back to retro may ultimately lead to a dead-end in the future of gaming.

So it's all very fun considering what may happen or yaying about what may happen but who's to say this will happen, and how could it happen? A major factor in the development of the retro revolution is the people who turn to these games. Returning fans seeking the nostaligia of their childhood, newcomers curious to experience the early franchises and the sudden requirements of fans seeking something different all vote retro. In terms of business, retro is the way to go to cover costs - old style graphics are considerably cheaper to produce, not only leaving room for greater development of storyline or controls but also making the end result cheaper and therefore more accessible to the common user - a move that would greatly benefit the consumers who are having to face prices slowly reaching the £50 mark.

The way i see it, there are 2 possible outcomes for this revolution. A yoyo effect - retro until consumers become bored and inevitably want more and so return to modern gaming, the age of games fluctuating through the decades from one end of the scale to the other. The other outcome being absolutely nothing new. BOOM. Nothing. This momentary return to retro is just the knee-jerk reaction to the importation of retro through the virtual console in every home and just a fad that will fade until the games we are buying brand new now are the classics of the future.

So the question now lies with the future. How far will games replicate those of today or of yesterday? Will they be top of the range graphics with brand new features we haven't even considered yet or nostalgic Super Mario Bros. spinoffs?

Follow Me on Twitter: @MusingsTwit

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

6 Literary Titles as Video Games - Because Why Not?

On The Road - Jack Kerouac
- I'm thinking some kind of Mario Kart, F-Zero hybrid where the game is actually attempting to get into the vehicle to begin with to finish the course and powerups consist of money being wired over.

The Catcher in the Rye - J D Salinger
- An RPG, open world game where you play as Holden Caulfield achieving goals and completing missions. Health bars are increased by alcohol and cigarettes while the all new "safety and protection" bar is increased by collecting several red hunting caps
- Mini-games: Search for the ducks on the pond once the winter has caused it to freeze over and help Holden get over his fear of what will happen to him when he grows up.

Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen
- Simply catch wealthy males in a giant butterfly net playing as each of the Bennett sisters, each with different skills and attributes. Build on these characters' attributes to be able to catch higher quality men.

Tess of the d'Urbervilles - Thomas Hardy
- GTA for the 1700s, play as Tess, give birth to children out of wedlock and pay the price in your later marriage
- Mini-games: Dodge religious symbols as you attempt to decide the difference between society and its religion

Frankenstein - Mary Shelley
- A Space Invaders tribute, shoot down the army of creations that Victor has bought to life and carelessly abandoned before they get too close to your family at the bottom of the screen. Avoid traps such as the legal system, religion and sexual encounters to protect the population of Geneva.

Robinson Crusoe - Daniel Defoe
- Guide Crusoe through the his ordeal on the island, explore and survive through minigames such as 'Spot the Savage' and 'Canoe Creation'. Design your cave and personalise your improvised fashion while harvesting crops and breeding animals.
- Other mini games: Guide Crusoe's ship through the ocean, avoiding storms on the way
- Free demo of 'Lord of the Flies, The Video Game' included

Thursday, 11 July 2013

A Letter To 6 Year Old Me

Hi Tabs,
First of all, I know you just got your silver Gameboy Advance with a "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets" game. You need to understand that you need to stick with that game - i know it won't always be easy, you can't save it whenever you want and your attention span doesn't really cover the length of gameplay between save points. It's a game that you will be constantly searching for during your teenage years when you get back into Harry Potter for a bit - and the search will bring you much sadness. Also quickly while we're on the topic of the Gameboy Advance - just stop trying to keep it pristine, you will go on a camping holiday with it and it will get scratched and it will seem like the end of your life. It. Is. Not. It's just very annoying and it ends up pretty badly scratched up (but still playable as of July 2013). Also, you will get a handheld with a backlight pretty soon so you're attempts at playing it in bed will not all be futile. You're reading this on a "blog" and i am writing it on a "netbook" (basically you know that wierd little game you used to play with your lunchbox where you pretended it was a portable, flip open computer like the one Dad has under the stairs? THAT HAPPENS).
Onto more pressing matters, later on you will probably play "Golden Eye" with Dad. This is NOT being played on the playstation but in fact on the N64. Yes, you have an N64 in your possession ad you will not realise it until you're nearly 18. Keep this N64. Nurture it. Buy cheap games from CEX in 2013 and enjoy the summer locked in your room with the TV on like every self-respecting Nintendo fan.
There's quite a lot i could say here, keep "Crash Bash" safe so you can play it when you're 17, don't give up your job at the pub when it changes hands - you'll be skint for years, wait until buying the iPod touch in year 10 - a new generation will be out literally the next day with much better ios, Dad will win a giant Crash Bandicoot soft toy at Thorpe Park soon which will revolutionise your Crash Bandicoot gameplay, don't lose Dragon Quest 9 on DS and cuddle "Tug" the cat because he might not be around much after September 2012.

From Tabs

p.s. you're going to go to an end of GCSE exams party when you're 15 and you're going to play a game called "beer pong" with pints of Strongbow. Do. Not. Ever. Drink. Strongbow.

Follow me on Twitter: @MusingsTwit

Saturday, 6 July 2013

RetroN 5

Hyperkin's E3 stand this year was dominated by the RetroN 5 - a console that differs from the rest of the E3 lot in that it looks to the past of gaming rather than the flashy, 3D, super-fast models of tomorrow. The RetroN 5 is a collaboration of Nintendo’s greats (bar the obvious choice of the N64 – what up wit dat?) all on one system which has basically been created to upgrade them to a modern television. The RetroN 5 incorporates Mega Drive, Super Famicon, Super Nintendo, Famicon and NES cartridges as well as a Gameboy Advance slot and is so far set for release this summer. I have a few problems though. Starting with the lack of N64, possibly the first console that comes to mind when the words ‘Retro Nintendo’ are uttered. Why, then is it not featured? It’s not like there isn’t a market for it (the reasoning behind the lack of Sega’s Master System) so perhaps there’s some other reason for the giant hole in the heart of the RetroN 5. My other problem is the upgrading to HD – these games are just meant to be played on a shit TV. 

I might be purchasing one of these if the price is right – but I’m not a retro game collector, so it might be worth more to someone who already has these cartridges stashed away in a cupboard. Saying that, however, the point has already been raised that this may boost the accessibility of retro gaming – the individual consoles and games would cost a bomb on their own.

In short, it’s a handy little system if you are already a collector – or you are seriously considering getting into retro gaming with a list of possible and favourite games to purchase. It is likely that this system will cost a whole lot less than all the individual consoles bought separately so it could be something to get into. A little ancient conundrum that we all have to face. 

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

More Open World Games Plz :)

After perusing this month’s copy of Official Nintendo Magazine I realised how much I love open world games – the freedom and escapism paired with the human instinct to explore. There’s one problem with this ideal though, and that is the 3DS format. There isn’t going to be a good open world game with a developed storyline on 3DS – there just isn’t the capacity for it. Lego came close but it was still lacking a storyline. Maybe I’m asking for too much but the open world games on the Wii U just look so good – screenshots from Watch Dogs look so realistic and satisfying that it’s difficult not to go straight out and steal a Wii U in order to play it.

That’s the essential problem – I need a Wii U. Possibly the hardest part of this revelation is the knowledge that it is highly unlikely (to the point of impossibility) that I will come into ownership of this beauteous technology (unless an unknown wealthy relative cops it and leaves the exact change for a Wii U to me in their will). I’m heading off to university in September, so it’s not going to happen for a while and living in the UK probably means i’ll be paying back for uni until I’m 60 so I won’t even get one then. When I’m 60 though – the Wii U is mine, and so is Watch Dogs. Ima be a badass granny. 

Friday, 28 June 2013

Too Much Mario?

Can anyone really be that tired of Mario's chubby little rosy face? He's the happiest damn plumber in the world so why shouldn't Nintendo pick on its poster guy for its new releases? Charlie Scibetta, Nintendo of America senior director of corporate communications has defended Nintendo's new Mario E3 releases - Mario and Sonic at the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games, Super Mario 3D World, Mario Kart 8 and Mario and Luigi: Dream Team Bros saying that Nintendo is catering to a market calling for more Mario. He offers the idea that with each new Mario game comes new dynamics and gameplay of a brand new ip but with the lovably recognisable Mario main character.
Click for list of Nintendo Published Games 

Mario has always been Nintendo's poster boy. From the beginning, Nintendo was practically synonymous with Mario so it's surprising that the number of "Mario" titles in the past is fewer than I would imagine - just click the link for a comprehensive list of Nintendo published games.

It seems that Mario has been adopted by fans and developers alike as the favourite and there's nothing wrong with wanting to exploit a favourite if, like Charlie says, the games are all unique and new. Fans furrowing eyebrows at frequent Mario releases should question if they would be as dubious over a brand new Nintendo game with slightly different art for the main character.

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

How Much Are Those Games In The Window???

I know it's a bit late but the releases from Nintendo at this years E3 for Nintendo 3DS were insane. They've been storing these titles for so long leaving 3DS owners parched for gaming material and now we've been dropped in an ocean of upcoming hits. Unfortunately these games have come at a time when I am, for what of a better word, skint and so i can merely dream about owning them all asap. 

I have had time to mull it over now, and i can safely reveal my top most exciting-looking-from-a-distance Nintendo 3DS games of 2013 so far. 

1. Animal Crossing New Leaf

This HAS to be number 1. Without a doubt this is the title I have been most excited about owning. There's  something about the idealistic world that these guys live in and the way you can live out your own little life in a safe, friendly neighborhood filled with little surprises and hilarious gimmicks that makes this game a must-have for any gamer either casual or intense (you can play this game intensely - trust me). I can't speak for New Leaf as much as i can about previous Animal Crossing titles, but from what i've seen in test-plays and reviews is that the multiplayer capabilities of the game are revolutionary as well as the general expansion of the Animal Crossing gameplay that's guaranteed to immerse even the most distracted player in a warm, fuzzy world of awesome. 

2. Luigi's Mansion 2 
I have only played a little bit of Luigi's Mansion 2 but what struck me the most was the humour of the game. It's not every day that I commend a game for it's ability to make me laugh right out loud but little Luigi in his trembling crusade through the refreshingly new locations. So why is this game so exciting? Honestly, I think it's because Luigi's always been the underdog and consumers love the underdog story :P Plus there's of course the expansion of the game from the original Luigi's Mansion, the satisfyingly ingenious boss levels and the breathtaking manipulation of the 3D tool to the point of goosebumps, which is particularly fitting to the theme of the game. The reason i've fallen in love with the game though is probably because i've fallen in love with Luigi's little face. 

3. Donkey Kong Country Returns 

I like the look of this game - the visual look of the graphics i mean. I've never really been one for the typical platformer in all honesty I don't feel like i'm exploring enough - like i'm doing exactly what the game tells me to do. DKCR on 3DS however, is apparently much different. From the screenshots i've seen of it - it seems that the background graphics are stunning - i've played a little of the game but not very far into it and from what i've seen, this assumption is true. What swayed me though, to include this platformer in the top 3, was the excitement of everything going on around you. The idea that this game could ever be called 'boring' is ludicrous, which is why i have some problems with the fact it's a platformer because i find platformers boring... sorry. Yet, I STILL WANT TO BUY IT. That's the beauty of the game, it's more than a platform with a gorilla running across it with a slightly smaller gorilla in tow as they jump across some stuff and then some other stuff. There's stuff going on everywhere, stuff happening around them that you have no hope of controlling, stuff they need to ride, stuff they need to use. It's not as exciting as Animal Crossing and Luigi but it's up there... which has thoroughly confused me. 

So, that's it. Three reviews of top games without even owning them, thanks for reading :) 

Who needs real life??

Saturday, 22 June 2013

Publishers Vs. Developers

              There has recently been much debate over the role of publishers and developers in the game development industry - not least from Official Nintendo Magazine's feature 'Overcomplicating Publishing' which presented publishers as overbearing and controlling through the medium of Mike Roush, the co-founder of Gaijin Games. Is this a fair assumption though? It's all too easy to think of
publishers as the cold, hard businessmen of the gaming world, stifling creative ambition and drowning puppies on their days off. What is the true role of publishing in game development and how has the publisher, developer relationship changed over the years.
              After reading the aforementioned article, I was le
ft immediately confused by the actual process of game development. That is, how a game moves from production to the publishers to the distribution. In its simplest form, the developer creates the game with possible commission from publishers who then control which products reach the market and do all the scary PR and marketing shizzle.
              Apparently, Mike Roush finds difficulties in the way developers and publishers interact. He suggests that Nintendo needs to move on - make the submission process quick and easy - not the labyrinth of problems and puzzles worthy of Layton and his posse. Steam is a quick online upload site used as a platform for a number of easy game publications that believe it or not, create 10 - 20 times more revenue than console games - sign of the times maybe? Perhaps Nintendo do need to up the game slightly in terms of their submission process - arguing over icon appearance and paperwork is only going to tire and frustrate the common talented game developer.
              The nature of the relationship between the humble, shy nerd of a game developer and the flashy ambition of the publisher has gone through some significant moderations since the days of NES and the discovery of fire. It's possible now to get a game out there without a publisher - just look at all the indie game developers ( - possible but very improbable. Kind of like Mario is able to save Princess Peach on his own, but things
would go a lot easier and quicker if he had his mates around to give him a hand. But then his mates might go changing his outfit - blue dungarees were so 1998 and only farmers can get away with caps in this day and age, ultimately manipulating the general manner in which Mario saves ol' Peachy. However, the bottom line is, this is not a utopian world that we live in. Independent game designers have to work FAR harder to produce their games and then get them noticed compared to giant publishers. As much as we hate to admit it - it's all about the green stuff (cash - calm yourself policeman reader). Just look at the fiasco that was Bayonetta 2, after the original game's dismal release on PS3 no publisher would pick up the game for a sequel. This is the sole reason the game may never have come into existence - if it wasn't for the knight in shining armour that is Nintendo. As image conscious as they are, publishers in reality are necessary for a popular game. Ultimately, a lack of financial and marketing support will result in the developer's nightmare - the 'Zombie App'. One that is available but never downloaded. The homeless game, a wasted bout of creativity with no reviews, no comments, no download rates and no revenue just wandering aimlessly through the abyss of download sites. It doesn't bear thinking about so let's take a minute of silence for any game in this limbo of existence before continuing. Perhaps this kind of app store arrangement could work for Nintendo, and already we are seeing the eShop being used slowly for more independent games, it's slow progress but they're trying.
              A real problem for fresh-faced, excitable little developers is the lack of control they may face over their product. Ayabe from the Guild team - a group of individuals working within a team to create their own original games - suggests that "innovation in game design as a whole is diminishing" - essentially creators are conforming to the needs of the end users too much and not standing strong and creating what they want to
create. The Guild lot are a great example of this originality in game design. From a first look at their game 'Bugs vs Tanks' it can be argued that some of that green stuff (yes policeman reader) was included in the creation of their games. This would never have made it to publishing but represents the personal ideas of game developers, not the publisher's assumptions of the audience's requirements - a very different order of events. The ethos of Guild is essentially that all individuals have different wants. Now, this has been applied to both the developers wants and the audience's wants. Guild seem to be the first collection of people to have recognised that an audience is unique, it's like the invention of the wheel all over again. Back to the idea of control, the team behind Guild were working on a lower budget and team size which meant less pressure and more creative control, interesting equation. An equation however that seems to have been ignored by Nintendo, who is looking to increase its team size - interesting. It has been said that publishers mistreat developers - they strangle their creative decisions and demand. No one likes demands. Guild has taught us that publishers need to give developers their freedom in doing what they do best - developing.

             Publishers are like parents. They demand and control but are still an absolute necessity in survival. Your mother will always ask you to complete random jobs around the house before you're allowed to step foot outside the door - as if you're the ONLY person in the world with the qualifications to put the washing on or tidy the lounge but equally you will always ask your mother for £20 before stepping out of the front door. It's a give and take thing. I don't do jobs and my mother would rarely give me £20 before i went to the pub - a tenner maybe. Though I am insanely excited about 'Bugs vs Tanks' and have just seen that it is available now on 3DS eShop in the UK - good times.

Thanks for reading :)

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

The. Sims. 4

I have a separate Sims blog available for the reading times here - it's a bit gay and really for my own sad little pleasure but if you're interested there it is.That's not the point of this post though, oh no. This post is to celebrate the BEAUTY that is the announcement made by EA yesterday. Ladies and Gentlemen, we have The Sims 4. EA has announced its release for 2014, and people, i'm excited. I tried to purchase The Sims 3 back in the olden days of 2009 and realised that my little IBM couldn't quite handle it - so with a new computer for uni i will be spending that crucial loan on all things Simlish. This is the start of a beautiful beginning people.